Progress is a man´s ability to comlicate simplicity.
Thor Heyerdahl
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Leadership is ability to decide what is to be done a then get others to do it.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Pokrok je matkou problémů. [Progress is the mother of Problems.]
Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.
Henry Ford
People who make no mistakes lack boldness and the spirit of adventure. They are brakes on the wheels of progress.
Dale Turner
Mám řadu velmi silných předsudků. Jsem hluboce zaujatý proti nenávisti a nesnášenlivosti. Jsem zaujatý proti rasové a náboženské bigotnosti. Jsem zaujatý proti válce a zaujatý pro mír. Mám sklon věřit v dobrotu bližního svého a to mne vede k tomu, že žádný problém v lidských vztazích není neřešitelný. Mám silný sklon podporovat OSN a jeho schopnost udržovat světový mír. [I have a number of very strong biases. I have a deep-seated bias against hate and intolerance. I have a bias against racial and religious bigotry. I have a bias against war, a bias for peace. I have a bias which leads me to believe in the essential goodness of my fellow man, which leads me to believe that no problem of human relations is ever insoluble. And I have a strong bias in favor of the United Nations and its ability to maintain a peaceful world.]
Ralph Bunche
Heyerdahl, Thor
Heym, Georg