Management is like writing in the snow. You have got to keep repeating the message over and over.
Sharon Johnson
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Leadership is the art of accomplishing more than the science of management says is possible.
Colin Powell
A management buzzwords is like a movie star with whom we fall in love.
Dr. Moog
Písanie je pre mňa jednoducho myslenie cez moje prsty. [en: Writing, to me, is simply thinking through my fingers.]
Isaac Asimov
Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success. Leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall.
Stephen Covey
Paradoxem Acroydova psaní je, že v přezkoumávání literární minulosti a imitaci ostatních neimituje vlastně nikoho. [The paradox in Acroyds writing is that in re-examining the literary past and in imitating others, he is not actually imitating anybody.]
Nancy K. Millerová
Nezapisuji historii známých lidí. Zajímám se o historii každodenního života. [I’m not writing a history of famous people. I am interested in a history of everyday life.]
Grace Paleyová
Johnson, Sharon
Johnson, Spencer