Lead, follow or get the hell out!
Peter Urs Bender
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Neverím v posmrtný život, a tak nemusím tráviť celý môj život v strachu pred peklom, alebo v ešte väčšom strachu pred nebom. Nech sú muky pekla akékoľvek, myslím že nuda v nebi by bola ešte horšia. [en: I dont believe in an afterlife, so I dont have to spend my whole life fearing hell, or fearing heaven even more. For whatever the tortures of hell, I think the boredom of heaven would be even worse.]
Isaac Asimov
People more willingly follow a leader who knows where he is going.
R. C. Smedley
People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs. Fight for some underdog anyway!
Matka Tereza
Diplomacy is the art of telling someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.
Sam Deep
Nie je nič desivé na nekonečnom bezsennom spánku. Určite je to lepšie ako nekonečné muky v pekle a nekonečná nuda v nebi. [en: There is nothing frightening about an eternal dreamless sleep. Surely it is better than eternal torment in Hell and eternal boredom in Heaven.]
Isaac Asimov
Bender, Peter Urs
Bendová, Krista