What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway!
Matka Tereza
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Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but hours, weeks, months and years they spend preparing for it.
T. A. Armstrong
I was 25 years old and pursuing my doctorate in economics when I was allowed to spend six months of post-graduate studies in Naples, Italy. I read the Western economic textbooks and also the more general work of people like Hayek. By the time I returned to Czechoslovakia, I had an understanding of the principles of the market. In 1968, I was glad at the political liberalism of the Dubcek Prague Spring, but was very critical of the Third Way they pursued in economics.
Václav Klaus
Kultura je pouze 2000 let stará, možná ani to ne. Vlny migrace následovaly jedna za druhou a v jistém smyslu kultura znovuobjevuje sebe sama každých 30 let a stále je v procesu formování. Je fascinující vidět to a být toho součástí. [The culture is only 200 years old, not even that. There has been wave after wave of migration, so in a sense the culture reinvents itself every 30 years and is still in the process of formation. Thats a fascinating thing to watch and to be part of.]
Ivor Indyk
Británie si zkrátka nemůže dovolit dalších pět let vlády labouristů. [Britain simply cannot afford another five years of Labour.]
David Cameron
I believe that too many people stay at jobs they hate to get more vacation days so that they can spend more time away from the jobs they hate.
Jim Warda
Nie, starovekí astronauti nepostavili pyramídy - postavili ich ľudia, pretože sú bystrí a tvrdo pracujú. A Star Trek je o týchto veciach. [No, ancient astronauts did not build the pyramids - human beings built them because theyre clever and they work hard. And Star Trek is about those things. (angl.)]
Gene Roddenberry