Nebojím sa počítačov. Bojím sa ich nedostatku. [en: I do not fear computers. I fear lack of them.]
Isaac Asimov
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Is it not strange that we fear most that which never happens?
Napoleon Hill
Let them hate us as long as they fear us.
Jen ať nás nenávidí, jen když se náš bojí.Caligula
Leaders are visionaries with a poorly developed sense of fear and no concept of odds against them.
Robert Jarvik
Spoločnosť by omnoho menej podliehala panikám a iným bludom a zvlášť politický život by bol úplne iný, keby väčšina argumentov široko rozosiatych po svete bola správna. Ale obávam sa, že je to práve naopak. [Society would be much less liable to panics and other delusions, and political life, especially, would be a totally different thing, if even a majority of the arguments, that scattered broadcast over the world, were correct! But it is all the other way, I fear. (en)]
Lewis Carroll
Lidé si musí být vědomi svého nedostatku vhodných znalostí a musí být připraveni prozkoumávat svou ignoranci správnými otázkami s pomocí jiných lidí v podobné situaci. [People had to be aware of their lack of relevant knowledge and be prepared to explore the area of their ignorance with suitable questions and help from other people in similar positions.]
Reginald Revans
Nebojím se smrti, bojím se hanby. Smrt je přirozený jev. Jako jste se narodili, tak jednoho dne zemřete. (2009 o svém boji s rakovinou) [I am not scared of death, Im scared of dishonour. Death is a natural phenomenon. Just as you are born, one day you will die.]
José Alencar
Asimov, Isaac
Asklépiadés z Eritreje