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Gene Roddenberry

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Science fiction je krásna hra a krásny zážitok. [Science fiction is a beautiful game, and a beautiful experience. (angl.)]

Gene Roddenberry

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Štítky: Citáty Gene Roddenberry, Gene Roddenberry quotes, autoři od písmene R

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Politici by měli číst science-fiction, ne detektivky a westerny.

Arthur C. Clarke

The conclusion is like beautiful wrapping paper on a gift.

Broody Kent

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.

Helen Keller

Leadership is the art of accomplishing more than the science of management says is possible.

Colin Powell

Sme schopní veľkých vecí. A nepochybujem, že bytosti, čo prídu po nás budú schopné ešte väčších. Evolúcia sa s nami nezastaví: "Oh aké úžasné ľudstvo! Dokázali sme to!" Nedokázali. Evolúcia môže pokračovať do nekonečna. [Were capable of great things. And Ive no doubt that the creature that follows us will be capable of even more. Evolution didnt stop with us: "Oh great and beautiful mankind! Weve made it!" We havent. Evolution can go on forever. (angl.)]

Gene Roddenberry

Pracuji (ve vědě), protože chci pochopit. [I work (in science) because I want to understand.]

David Baltimore
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