The conclusion is like beautiful wrapping paper on a gift.
Broody Kent
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Science fiction je krásna hra a krásny zážitok. [Science fiction is a beautiful game, and a beautiful experience. (angl.)]
Gene Roddenberry
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.
Helen Keller
I´ m worse at what I do best and for this gift I feel blessed - Jsem nejhorší v tom, co dělám nejlépe a za tento dar se cítím požehnán. ("Smells like teen spirit")
Kurt Cobain
A mission statements story: A bunch of guys take off their ties and coats, go into a motel room for three days, and put a bunch of words on a piece of paper. Then go back to business as usual.
John Rock
Sme schopní veľkých vecí. A nepochybujem, že bytosti, čo prídu po nás budú schopné ešte väčších. Evolúcia sa s nami nezastaví: "Oh aké úžasné ľudstvo! Dokázali sme to!" Nedokázali. Evolúcia môže pokračovať do nekonečna. [Were capable of great things. And Ive no doubt that the creature that follows us will be capable of even more. Evolution didnt stop with us: "Oh great and beautiful mankind! Weve made it!" We havent. Evolution can go on forever. (angl.)]
Gene Roddenberry
Kent, Broody
Kent, Bruce