Loyalty is not standing by someone when he is right - that is good judgment. Loyalty is standing by someone when he is wrong.
Susan Estrich
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Good judgment comes from the experience. Unfortunately, the expirience usually comes from bad judgment.
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Ak som videl ďalej, bolo to preto, že som stál na pleciach obrov. [If I have seen further it is by standing on ye shoulders of Giants (angl.)]
Isaac Newton
If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Do good anyway!
Matka Tereza
The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway!
Matka Tereza
Don´t tell me how good you make it; tell me how good it makes me when I use it.
Leo Burnett
Každá fikce je falešná; to, co ji dělá přesvědčivou, je její průběh podél pravdy. Nakreslit dobrý obrázek je jako říct opravdu dobrou lež - klíčem je spojující detail. [All fiction is false; what makes it convincing is that it runs alongside the truth. Drawing a good picture is like telling a really good lie - the key is in the incidental detail]
Shaun Tan