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R. Buchholz

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Wearing the same shirts does not make you a team.

R. Buchholz

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Štítky: Citáty R. Buchholz, Anonymous quotes, autoři od písmene B

Podobné citáty


There are five fundamental qualities that make every team great: communication, trust, collective responsobility, caring and pride. I like to think of each as separate finger on the fist.

Mike Krzyzewski

Největším štěstím na světě je udělat ostatní šťastnými; dalším největším je udělat to tak, aby si to mysleli. [The greatest happiness in the world is to make others happy; the next greatest is to make them think.]

Luther Burbank

The leader has to show the face his team needs to see.

Mike Krzyzewski

Leaders have to search for the heart on a team, because the person who has it can bring out the best in everybody else.

Mike Krzyzewski

My aim was to make a man; Baden-Powells was to make a soldier. Mým záměrem bylo udělat z nich (skautů) muže, Baden-Powellovým záměrem bylo udělat z nich vojáky.

Ernest Thompson Seton

The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they do not play together, the club wont be worth a dime.

Babe Ruth
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