It takes courage not only to make decisions, but to live with those decisions afterward.
Mike Krzyzewski
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Long-term planning is not about making long-term decisions. It is about understanding the future consequences of today´s decisions.
G. R. Blair
Too many rules get in the way of leadership. They just put you in a box. People set rules to keep from making decisions.
Mike Krzyzewski
There are only two things you "HAVE TO" do in life. You "HAVE TO" die. You "HAVE TO" live until you die. You make up all the rest.
Neznámý autor
Největším štěstím na světě je udělat ostatní šťastnými; dalším největším je udělat to tak, aby si to mysleli. [The greatest happiness in the world is to make others happy; the next greatest is to make them think.]
Luther Burbank
The possible we do immediately. The impossible takes a little longer!
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It takes one hour of preparation for each minute of presentation time.
Wayne Burgraff
Krzyzewski, Mike
Křesadlo, Jan