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Jonathan Sacks

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Values are tapes we play on the Walkman of the mind. Any tune we chooose is fine so long as it does not disturb others.

Jonathan Sacks

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Štítky: Citáty Jonathan Sacks, Rabbi Sir Jonathan Sacks quotes, autoři od písmene S

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About Winning: It is not important. What really counts is how you play the game. About losing: It is not important. What really counts is how you play the game. About playing the game: Play to win!

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Long-term planning is not about making long-term decisions. It is about understanding the future consequences of today´s decisions.

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Takže Einstein sa mýlil, keď povedal "Boh nehrá kocky." Uvažovanie o čiernych dierach nasvedčuje, že Boh nielenže hrá kocky, ale občas ich hádže aj tam, kde ich nikto nemôže vidieť. [So Einstein was wrong when he said "God does not play dice". Consideration of black holes suggests, not only that God does play dice, but that He sometimes confuses us by throwing them where they cant be seen. (en)]

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Once we discover how to appreciate the timeless values in our daily experiences, we can enjoy the best things in life.

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A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

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Ernest Hemingway
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